Municipality of Kamnik
Municipality of Domžale
Municipality of Komenda
Municipality of Mengeš
Municipality of Trzin
Municipality of Cerklje na Gorenjskem
Municipality of Kamnik

The intention of the project is the construction of a sewerage system in the municipality of Kamnik and with that a comprehensive regulation of discharge and treatment of wastewater. With this the international obligations, the implementation of the strategic orientations of the country in the field of communal infrastructure and the implementation of regulations in force in the field of environment will be fulfilled. The investment includes the construction of a sewerage system in the total length of 28 km.

Municipality of Domžale

Municipality of Domžale participates in the project within the upgrade part of the CTP Domžale - Kamnik to the tertiary biological treatment with a sequential batch reactor technology - SBR and a construction of the input object with the adoption of the cesspool sludge.

Municipality of Komenda

In the Municipality of Komenda we tend to follow the guidelines for orderly communal area of ​​the entire county. Therefore, we joined the project Extraction and purification of waste water in the area Domžale - Kamnik, which includes investments in sewerage network and an upgrade of the treatment plant Domžale - Kamnik, and is funded by the European Cohesion Fund and Member.

Municipality of Mengeš

The Sewerage network in the municipality Mengeš is part of a single system, which also includes the sewages in the municipality of Domžale, Komenda, Kamnik and Trzin, and ends in the CTP Domžale - Kamnik.

Municipality of Trzin

The municipality of Trzin participates in the project within the upgrade part of the CTP Domžale - Kamnik to the tertiary biological treatment with a sequential batch reactor technology - SBR and a construction of the input object with the adoption of the cesspool sludge.

Municipality of Cerklje na Gorenjskem

The municipality of Cerklje na Gorenjskem participates in the project within the upgrade part of the CTP Domžale - Kamnik to the tertiary biological treatment with a sequential batch reactor technology - SBR and a construction of the input object with the adoption of the cesspool sludge.

Dne 27. 11. 2017 je potekala zadnja in zaključna novinarska konferenca, na kateri so župani sodelujočih občin predstavili zaključek vseh del na projektu. Projekt se je s 1. 12. 2017 tudi uradno zaključil.

The intention of the project Extraction and Purification of Waste Water in the Area Domžale - Kamnik: is to build a new system for the collection and treatment of waste water in Kamnik, Domžale, Komenda, Mengeš, Cerklje na Gorenjskem and Trzin. The project is implemented in two parts, namely:

  • The construction of a new sewerage system in the municipalities of Kamnik, Komenda and Mengeš and
  • The upgrade of the Central Treatment Plant Domžale - Kamnik.

Within the project - after it is completed - the participating municipalities plan:

  • An additional connection of 6,586 PE to the discharge (of which 6,064 PE households and 522 PE from the activities) and
  • An additional connection of 12,637 PE to the treatment (including 10,615 PE from households and 2,022 PE from the activities).

The project covers the construction of 47,166 meters of sewers, 21 pumping stations and an upgrade of the Central Treatment Plant Domžale - Kamnik.
